An interactive cue light for Theater, Performance and show-cueing to use with any OSC capable Software (e.g. LinuxShowPlayer, Qlab, Ableton or even your lighting desk) based on the M5StickC of M5Stack.com .
IP Adress and OSC-Path are shown on Startup. Startup completed when LED turns off.
available Functions:
/oscuelight/[ID]/color [red;green,blue]
colors the Screen with the given color - Turns on Display
/oscuelight/[ID]/write [INT] or [STRING]
writes the first two Digits or first 8 characters to the Display - has to be deleted with e.g. color or clear
/oscuelight/[ID]/achtung [CUENUMBER] or [STRING]
flashes the Display 3 Times and turns LED ON - shows first two digits of an integer or draws up to 70 characters of a string - Display turns green
flashes the Display 3 Times and turns off LED and Display
/oscuelight/[ID]/countdown [s]
Turns on LED and counts down to zero - then turns of LED and screen
clear the Display and turn it of
- set ID via Buttons on Startup
- send Feedback via ButtonA
- support for PWM Buzzer -> Buy a PWM Buzzer
- Testing:
- Battery Time
- Screen is turned off when not in use via AXP192
- speed set to 80MHz to safe power
- Connectivity (AP handover)
- M5StickC does not support 802.11r
- roaming seems to work but on the tested Unifi Enviroment OSC-Messages where lost and/or received at a wrong time..
- Battery Time